Oprah winfrey Salutes

Oprah winfrey She’s also long been caught in the endless tussle between the emotional and the material: She has sold us her story of personal growth, of physical and spiritual transformation at the same time that she has been forthright about the privileges that come with being one of the most successful people in the world. This has meant fending off reasonable criticism that her weight-loss boosterism, her belief that anyone can live their best life is all made more possible when you have a phalanx of personal trainers, private chefs and multiple homes.

At the same time, her struggles to keep excess weight off despite the chef and the trainer have provided incontrovertible evidence that all the money in the world cannot in fact fix the things one needs to change inside. But money helps. But it doesn’t fix. But it helpsIt’s always struck me that Oprah gets these irreconcilable truths, and is more honest about them than most.

The famous “You get a car! You get a car!” episode is one of Oprah’s most parodied, for its material-fueled frenzy. But the fact is, the people she’d assembled in her audience that day were in desperate need of cars: to get to their jobs, to get kids to schools, to take care of sick relatives. In short, those cars were part of what her audience needed to change and better their own circumstances.


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