Wild hunter skill build Guide

Wild hunter skill build Everything she says is flawed because her Lilliputian mind cannot comprehend the idea of multiplicity. To Ms Jiang Lai, if one ACSI boy were to be hot, then all of them are. If one RI boy were to have bony legs and body odour, the whole school conforms. In her world, there exist no nuances, no exceptions. Everything has to be in broad categories because that is all Ms Jiang Lai’s intellectual capacity can manage. So she does what she does best, GENERALIZE – and then compound them into what she probably finds to be very clever, astute observations. An example. ‘Poor. Cheena.

Dun dare to get friggin drunk like dufu.’ This is her description of HCI boys. While HCI boys are quite a bunch of Neanderthals – I will never label them cohesively as ‘poor’. Also, if I hailed from the great communist motherland as Ms Jiang Lai did, I would not use the term ‘cheena’ derogatorily on others. Because HOLY SHIT. YOU. ARE. FROM. CHINA. If anything, I respect the Chinese for their allegiance to their motherland. You, Ms Jiang Lai, apparently have no sense of self. Nor shame. The fact that you compared a drunkard to DU FU tells me your knowledge of getting tipsy is probably limited to your Tang poem personas basking around by the Yellow River drinking wine and chasing concubines. So why are you, oh proud comrade of the great china, dissing your motherland? Please don’t give your whole ‘i’m hot stuff and i booze and many guys want my hot ass’ crap. You have no right to.


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